Thursday, August 18, 2016


Lately I've heard a lot of news about violence against minorities, women, gay people, and racist comments or people degrading women etc etc.... It is repulsive, it is disgusting and so upsetting that people can't be themselves comfortably because of society, that someone has to hide who they are in order to feel safe.

After all these years and all of the awareness we still haven't fully accepted people as they are, calling Muslims "terrorist" is not alright, you can't just generalize a race!!! TERRORISM HAS NO RACE. Calling blacks "thugs" or "niggas" is not okay!!! THERES A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EDUCATING YOURSELF AND APROPRIATING A CULTURE THATS NOT YOURS! You can't take and ethnicity and turn it into a trend when minority's are made fun of and shamed EVERY DAY, yet when someone else appropriates they're culture they get praised for it. Shaming someone for their religion or beliefs is not fine! YOU NEED TO RESPECT SOMEONES CHOICE OF BELIFS LIKE THEY SHOULD RESPECT YOURS. Blaming rape on victims is not okay, society teaches "don't get raped" rather than "don't rape". A FEMINIST DOESN'T HATE MEN!!! FEMINISM IS EQUALITY!!! Feminist don't want power over men, they don't praise women. They want equality, for every race, every women, every minority, every sexual orientation, every religion, everyone.

This is why I don't respect any women that isn't a feminist. If you're a FEMINIST this DOESN'T mean you HATE MEN, it means you want EQUALITY, EQUAL POWER, EQUAL RIGHTS, EQUAL TREATMENT, FAIRNESS. This is why a MAN CAN BE A FEMINIST, A MAN CAN WANT EQUALITY. If a woman has something to say, or a point to make, she suddenly becomes obnoxious. I want to live in a world where a man and a woman can get paid the same check, and where the women don't belong in the kitchen.

I want a world were woman without being cat called, I want to see a world were a man of color isn't stopped by the cops because of his race, were an Indian woman can feel comfortable walking in public while expressing her culture, were to men or woman can express their love for each other without getting dirty looks or without being called a disgrace.

We spread pointless content on social media that is unnecessary/pointless instead of sharing things that really need to be heard and speaking up. If we can all respect each other maybe someday there will be peace on earth.

Sherry White, 
8th grade.